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Intuitive Coaching

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  • Rdv flash voyance medium par téléphone | Naima Royer coaching voyance medium

    Un choix à faire ? Je vous apporte un autre angle de vue non conventionnel pour confirmer ou infirmer votre ressenti. Medium flash appointment Medium flash meeting decision-making: By phone | By email This service is for you: -- if you have a quick decision to make with long-term consequences, -- if you have an important choice to make impacting an area of your life, -- if you wish to have an unconventional angle of view to confirm or refute a feeling Si vous avez besoin d'une aide plus en profondeur, vous pouvez aussi consulter la page Rdv coaching voyance individuel. => Flash appointment 1 question 2 choices: 50€ Help for RECRUITMENT: Choice between 2 CVs Be in adequacy with your future employee, apprentice or partner, Adequacy between know-how and know-how of the person and your company or service Help for the choice of a PLACE OF LIVING or the purchase of a REAL ESTATE: Choice between 2 places or 2 properties Be in adequacy (you, spouse, child, animal) with the future place or purchase Blocking treatment for the sale of a current property (contact me) Help for choosing a SCHOOL or COMPANY: Choice between 2 schools or companies Be in adequacy with the future school or company for your work Help for choosing an ANIMAL: Choice between 2 animals Being in adequacy with your future roommate, is it made for you? Merci de me fournir des documents ou photos lisibles dans le bon sens de lecture, adresse exacte pour un lieu, nom pour une école ou une société, prénom/photo pour un animal. Réservez votre rendez-vous => Flash appointment several targeted questions (1 hour consultation): 100€ You can address several questions targeted targeted means that you will have determined your choices beforehand. For example, don't ask me to find out for you what job interests you (this type of question can only be dealt with in the context of a coaching session). example of targeted choices: Is it favorable for me to change jobs currently in company Y, I am considering another job as a marketing consultant or to set up on my own to offer my design services? Is it favorable for me and the moment to work in the medical sector as I have wanted for 3 years? feel free toconsult me for any other domain not in this list. Réservez votre rendez-vous Nouveauté ENERGETIC CLEANING for one person: This request is made on a case-by-case basis depending on the persons situation: energy cleansing or energy treatment for re-forming; (cleansing and upgrading of the chakras) energetic cleansing linked to external influences (work colleague, spouse, ..) energetic cleansing linked to presences (according to the number and density) 80€/mois Read the terms of intervention See Child/Pet Help Modalities of intervention Make an appointment for a flash appointment consultation: The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Please tell me your real; surname, first name and date of birth, possibly attaching a photo or any other necessary element (map, photo of places, etc.) as indicated on the the service concerned. I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. Whether you need help in case of symptoms, call a health professional. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a gift voucher", the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or morality (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe; ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. See Rates modalites Testimonials See Google Reviews

  • Naïma Royer coaching voyance medium | nettoyage énergétique lieu

    Je vous propose mes services en coaching voyance, comme la voyance par téléphone, le nettoyage énergétique, à distance et en présentiel. Je suis Naima Royer, j'interviens à mon cabinet ou à votre domicile sur Paris et Ile-de-France. Mediumistic intuitive coaching A blockage to overcome A goal to achieve A change to start A decision to make Discover Ancre 1 What I offer To move forward concretely and quickly, I offer several formulas for a one-time or recurring intervention according to your needs. Please be aware modalities of my intervention before any appointment is made. Appointment Individual Learn more Areas concerned: Personal Professional Family Health Medium Flash Appointment decision making Learn more Help with decision making: Recruitment of a candidate Choice of real estate Choosing a school/job Choosing an animal Multiple questions Purification of a place Energy cleansing Learn more Energy healing Learn more Place of living (current or future, second home) Business premises Energy healing for one person One-time or recurring Specific help Learn more Help for a child <18 years old Help for an animal Any unusual behavior Specific help Learn more Help for a child <18 years old Help for an animal Any unusual behavior Subscriptions mediumistic flash Monthly subscription Energy cleansing Monthly subscription Energy cleansing Monthly subscription Testimonials Personal domain testimonial: “I can say without hesitation that my life had a before and after Naïma. I didn't think it would be possible to solve - and in such a short time! - situations that had been dragging on forever and with which I thought I had to live all my life. She not only helped me through a difficult personal time, but she taught me that we have the possibility of overcoming our difficulties just with our resources, by giving me the keys to get there." Chiara Professional field testimonial: “I had been looking for a job for a few months as a young graduate, I needed to see more clearly about my real desires and skills, Naïma helped me to overcome my blockages and my fears, it gave me confidence in me, I got a job the following month!" Nicholas See Google reviews Health field testimonial: “There are events in life that fall on you without you being ready, this was the case during my cancer. I called on Naima to turn the heat off aggressive treatments for the physical body and the energy bodies. Thanks to her, this ordeal was easier to live with, thanks to her support, and by the effects of his work: no burns, no pain and a certain serenity. Here I recommend, why want to go through the pain when you can avoid it? ” Valerie

  • Carte cadeau | Naïma Royer coaching voyance medium | Paris

    Offrez un bon cadeau pour un anniversaire ou une carte cadeau pour un mariage, aussi une voyance par téléphone, un soin énergétique Alopecia Partial or total hair loss Alopecia In person | Remotely Alopecia results in temporary or permanent hair loss. Through my recurring intervention on the energy level, I help you to significantly reduce hair loss. Both women and men are affected by alopecia. Several factors can cause alopecia: next to ahormonal imbalance (assessed for example following a blood test) or in the period of menopause which leads to a loss of hormones onan area of the scalp in particular (often on the top of the skull) next to aemotional shock following a complicated period in your life of big stress, depression, burn out in addition to a heavy treatment it is possible to slow down hair loss 150€ Offrez cette carte cadeau Alopecia results in temporary or permanent hair loss. Through my recurring intervention on the energy level, I help you to significantly reduce hair loss. Both women and men are affected by alopecia. Several factors can cause alopecia: next to ahormonal imbalance (assessed for example following a blood test) or in the period of menopause which leads to a loss of hormones onan area of the scalp in particular (often on the top of the skull) next to aemotional shock following a complicated period in your life of big stress, depression, burn out in addition to a heavy treatment it is possible to slow down hair loss 350€ Offrez cette carte cadeau Alopecia In person | Remotely Alopecia results in temporary or permanent hair loss. Through my recurring intervention on the energy level, I help you to significantly reduce hair loss. Both women and men are affected by alopecia. Several factors can cause alopecia: next to ahormonal imbalance (assessed for example following a blood test) or in the period of menopause which leads to a loss of hormones onan area of the scalp in particular (often on the top of the skull) next to aemotional shock following a complicated period in your life of big stress, depression, burn out in addition to a heavy treatment it is possible to slow down hair loss 80€ Offrez cette carte cadeau Alopecia results in temporary or permanent hair loss. Through my recurring intervention on the energy level, I help you to significantly reduce hair loss. Both women and men are affected by alopecia. Several factors can cause alopecia: next to ahormonal imbalance (assessed for example following a blood test) or in the period of menopause which leads to a loss of hormones onan area of the scalp in particular (often on the top of the skull) next to aemotional shock following a complicated period in your life of big stress, depression, burn out in addition to a heavy treatment it is possible to slow down hair loss 160€ Offrez cette carte cadeau Modalities of intervention Make an appointment for an Alopecia energy treatment: The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Please tell me your real surname, first name and date of birth, attach one or more photos. I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. If you need help with symptoms, seek medical help. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a gift voucher", the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or to good morals (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. See Prices modalites

  • Atelier collectif | Naima Royer coaching intuitif médiumnique

    Chaque mois plusieurs sessions d'atelier collectif de coaching intuitif et médiumnique, chacun peut aborder sa problématique affective ou professionnelle. Collective Workshop Collective Workshop Limited number of participants Read All Next date: October 14, 2022 The workshoper takes place in meadow in the office or on request at home in a small group. A snack is provided during the workshop (included in the price). The theme of each (personal, professional, family) is addressed during the workshop. Blockages are lifted for everyone (usually in 1 or 2 workshops). After the workshop, for those who wish, a personalized follow-up is possible afterwards in order to discuss the actions carried out. Read the terms of intervention Make an appointment See individual rdv Testimonials “I took part in Naïma's intuitive coaching workshop and it was an incredible experience! Naïma in all sincerity and benevolence confronted me with certain realities that I did not want to face. It was necessary for me to be told and to hear them. I was able to let my emotions express themselves in complete confidence and that did me good. I must admit that I was a little turned upside down the days following the session: a lot of emotions, thoughts were there. Thanks to this session I started a change in my life because I took into account the elements that Naima told me. Thank you to her. I can only recommend that you do a cycle of sessions: you will find yourself in a cozy, welcoming setting, with little sweet treats!!! Aisha Modalities of intervention Make an appointment : The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Thank you for telling me your "real" surname, first name and date of birth, possibly attaching a photo or any other necessary element (plan, photo of places, etc.). I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a gift voucher", the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or morality (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. modalites

  • Tarifs | Naima Royer coaching voyance | Paris

    Tarifs des services. Abonnements possibles pour les professionnels. Forfaits possibles pour les particuliers (plusieurs lieux ou membres de la famille). Prices Prise de rdv direct Contact Rdv individuel coaching/médium : 100€ Entre 1h et 1h30 En présentiel (au cabinet ou à votre domicile) A distance (par visio ou par téléphone) Le règlement doit intervenir avant la consultation, merci pour votre compréhension. Consulter la page Coaching individuel Rdv flash médiumnique : 100€ 1 heure Questions ciblées Joindre les pièces à votre email si besoin Retour par téléphone Le règlement doit intervenir avant la consultation, merci pour votre compréhension. Consulter la page Flash médiumnique Rdv flash médiumnique (Aide à la décision) : 50€ 2 ou 3 choix sur une question vous éclairer dans votre prise de décision Joindre les pièces à votre email (photo de lieux ou CV) Retour par téléphone Le règlement doit intervenir avant la consultation, merci pour votre compréhension. Consulter la page Flash médiumnique Rdv Thème de naissance médiumnique (1h / 2h) : 80€ / 160€ Thème de naissance personnel ou Thème de naissance personnel élargie au cercle familial Document envoyé avant la séance Consulation téléphonique ou en présentiel Le règlement doit intervenir avant la consultation, merci pour votre compréhension. Consulter la page thème de naissance Soin énergétique : 100€ Soin énergétique complet pour une personne Consulter la page Soin énergétique. Nettoyage énergétique + harmonisation d'un lieu : voir la tarification Nettoyage + harmonisation d'un lieu : Pour un lieu < 70m2 : 150€ Entre 70m2 et 150m2 : 250€ >150m2 : me consulter Pour une entreprise ou un commerce : à partir de 250€ Consulter la page Nettoyage énergétique. Pour un Enfant : 30€ Comportement inhabituel enfant Ce tarif s'entend pour des symptômes pouvant être traité en 1 séance (me consulter des symptômes qui datent de plusieurs années) Le règlement doit intervenir avant la consultation, merci pour votre compréhension. Consulter la page Enfant Pour un Animal : 20€ Comportement inhabituel animal Le règlement doit intervenir avant la consultation, merci pour votre compréhension. Consulter la page Animal. Consultation Fleur de Bach : 25€ Consultation 30min pour identifier les Fleurs de Bach qui vous correspondent Le règlement doit intervenir avant la consultation, merci pour votre compréhension. Consulter la page Fleur de bach Carte Bon Cadeau : anniversaire, mariage, ponctuel Pour plus de détail consuler la page carte cadeau Je vous fais parvenir une carte cadeau au format numérique et personnalisée avec les noms des participants au cadeau. Abonnement Flash médiumnique : 80€/mois Plusieurs questions ciblées tout au long du mois (environ 1h) Ce tarif est valable par période d'engagement de 3 mois. Consulter la page Flash médiumnique Abonnement Nettoyage énergétique : 180€/mois (pour 3 mois d'engagement ou 200€ pour 1 mois) Nettoyage d'un lieu de vie. Ce tarif est valable par période d'engagement de 3 mois. (abonnement à 200€ pour 1 mois) Consulter la page Nettoyage énergétique Forfait Coaching voyance : 350€ Forfait de coaching voyance de 4 consultations, Valable 6 mois. Consulter la page Coachint voyance

  • Nettoyage énergétique enfant et animal | Naima Royer coaching voyance | Paris

    Intervention pour un enfant ou un animal ayant un comportement inhabituel sans raison apparente. Je peux m'occouper de nettoyer énergétiquement un enfant ou votre animal et opérer un rééquilibrage de ses énergies. Specific help Specific help child or pet: By phone | By email Help for a CHILD: Is your child angry, aggressive or agitated for no apparent reason in the school and/or family environment? Is your child depressed for no apparent reason in the school and/or family environment? He has sudden or recurrent sleep problems requiring intervention He has a twitch on his face that is not usual 30€ Help for an ANIMAL: Has your pet suddenly become aggressive towards you? You seem restless or worried Any other unusual behavior 20€ Read the terms of intervention Make an appointment See Purification place Modalities of intervention Make an appointment for a consultation for a child or an animal: The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Please tell me the "real" name, first name and date of birth of your child or animal, possibly attaching a photo or any other necessary element. I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. Whether you need help in case of symptoms, call a health professional. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a "gift voucher", the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or morality (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. See Prices modalites

  • Nettoyage énergétique d'une lieu | Naïma Royer Coaching voyance medium | Paris

    Nettoyage énergétique d'un lieu de vie, d'une entreprise. Purification de votre lieu de vie et de votre espace de travail. Abonnement mensuel nettoyage énergétique pour les particuliers et les professionnels. Purification of a place Energy cleansing Purification of a place Energy cleansing: From a distance| At your office| At home You can clean a place (apartment, house, land, second home) of which you are the owner or the tenant, or a place that you occupy temporarily (your workspace at the office, a hotel room, a meeting room ). The pricing for this type of service is assessedon a case-by-case basis depending on the context and the situation : volume of the place, number of occupants (to be cleaned if necessary), density of presence in the place. For professionals receiving the public: I offer a fixed weekly subscription (for example every weekend), fortnightly or monthly depending on your needs. Consult me in order to establish a tailor-made quote. PURIFICATION of a place: Clean your living space (current or future) Clean up your workplace Clear a place that you are going to occupy temporarily Professionals, therapist type, or any professional receiving from the public Ce que cela comprend : Nettoyer toutes énergies négatives polluantes et les présences néfastes dans le lieu Identifier le cas échéant les défunts présents et les éloigner du lieu (avec leur accord) Rétablir l'équilibre énergétique vibratoire du lieu > Je vous fais un compte-rendu par téléphone. Tarification Nettoyage + harmonisation d'un lieu : Pour un lieu < 70m2 : 150€ Entre 70m2 et 150m2 : 250€ >150m2 : me consulter Pour une entreprise ou un commerce : à partir de 250€ Abonnement ENERGETIC CLEANING for one person: This request is made on a case-by-case basis depending on the persons situation: energy cleansing or energy treatment for re-forming (cleansing and upgrading of the chakras) energetic cleansing linked to external influences (work colleague, spouse, ..) energetic cleansing linked to presences (according to the number and density) 180 €/mois Read the terms of intervention Make an appointment See Energy healing Testimonials Testimony purification place: “I called Naima to have my new apartment cleaned and I felt a big difference in the apartment, which was much nicer. I highly recommend her for her skill. Bruno Voir les avis Google Energy cleansing testimonial: “Naima gave me an energy cleanse and also removed negative energies from my house. I immediately felt relieved. There is an obvious before/after effect. She is a caring, efficient woman and I recommend! ” Sebastian Testimony purification place: Naima is a wonderful therapist and she is stunning in her diagnoses. She cleaned my apartment and my workplace, and the result is unequivocal: she has an extraordinary gift in the field of energy. KW Modalities of intervention Make an appointment for a purification of a place or an energy cleaning: The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Please tell me your real name, first name and date of birth, exact address of the place and its occupants, possibly attach a photo or any other necessary element (plan, photo of places, etc). I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. Whether you need help in case of symptoms, call a health professional. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a "gift voucher", the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or morality (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. See Prices modalites

  • Barreur de feu | Naima Royer

    Barreur de feu ou coupeur de feu qu'est-ce donc ? Comment fonctionne le barreur de feu ? Burn healers Burn healers In person | Remotely Burn healers what is it? For some it is a technique or a gift and for others a skill. As far as I'm concerned, it's just a gift from life/the universe. I'm just going to tell you about my experience. I received this gift in 2011 and have only been using it for a short time. Know that we are all energy. Everything that is alive is energy: humans, animals, plants, minerals. I am called upon for severe pain, burns, I also intervene in addition to heavy treatments. So how does the fire helm work? In face-to-face, I place my hands above the area to be treated and, by intention, I draw in the heat until I feel that it has been completely absorbed, then I pass the hands under cold water to evacuate this heat. I can also visually practice this technique from a distance. If I can be satisfied with the many positive feedbacks since the beginning of my care, I cannot guarantee anyone a total recovery since it is impossible. Everyone is free to believe it or not, in reality it can't be explained, it feels Read the terms of intervention Make an appointment See Purification / Care Testimonials See Google Reviews Modalities of intervention Make an appointment for a Burn healers treatment: The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Please tell me your real surname, first name and date of birth, possibly attaching a photo. I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. If you need help with symptoms, seek medical help. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a "gift voucher", the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or to good morals (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. See Prices modalites

  • mentions-legales | Naima Royer coaching voyance medium

    Mentions légales du site de Naima Royer : voyance par téléphone et soin énergétique à distance ou en présentiel Contact You can find out about the intervention methodson this page . To give a gift, choose a service, then choose offer a gift voucher.

  • Problèmes de peau | Naima Royer

    Grâce au soin énergétique en présence ou à distance, je vous aide à diminuer significativement vos problèmes de peau : eczéma, zona, psoriasis. Skin issues: eczema, psoriasis, shingles skin problems eczema, psoriasis, shingles In person | Remotely The skin is the mirror of my inner life and what I feel. She reacts immediately to any information she receives. The fear of being abandoned is often linked in all forms of skin abnormalities. eczema is often linked to the fact that some people place a lot of importance on what people may think of them. They have great difficulty being themselves, tend to disregard their own needs and act based on others. It is a form of rejection of themselves. Psoriasis, when it is linked to an emotional shock where the body will react by creating a shell to stop suffering. A conflict is created because we no longer want to suffer but at the same time we want to be loved. Moreover, hypersensitive people are often affected by their lack of love for others. Shingles is one of the representations of anger, the burning fire that springs up against one or more people who have attacked us, bruised deep within us, which creates inner insecurity and puts us on the ground. And despite this, we give reason to our executioners. Permanent anxiety or stress sets in and it is we who become our own enemy. What are the solutions ? Detach yourself from the past, accept yourself as you are and learn to love yourself. Identify your needs, put them in place, move forward in life with confidence. Accept your sensitivity, learn to do things for yourself and not according to others. Taming your emotions, learning to trust yourself. Healing is found in openness to others. Express what you feel in order to free your skin and become aware of yourself. Read the terms of intervention Make an appointment See Purification / Care Testimonials See Google Reviews Modalities of intervention Make an appointment for an energy treatment for a skin problem: The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Please tell me your real surname, first name and date of birth, attach one or more photos. I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. If you need help with symptoms, seek medical help. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a gift voucher, the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or to good morals (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. See Prices modalites

  • Fleurs de Bach | Naima Royer

    Les fleurs de bach ont de multiples bienfaits : sur notre émotionnel comme sur notre physique. Je vous à choisir les fleurs de bach qui vous correspondent. Burn healers Burn healers In person | Remotely Burn healers what is it? For some it is a technique or a gift and for others a skill. As far as I'm concerned, it's just a gift from life/the universe. I'm just going to tell you about my experience. I received this gift in 2011 and have only been using it for a short time. Know that we are all energy. Everything that is alive is energy: humans, animals, plants, minerals. I am called upon for severe pain, burns, I also intervene in addition to heavy treatments. So how does the fire helm work? In face-to-face, I place my hands above the area to be treated and, by intention, I draw in the heat until I feel that it has been completely absorbed, then I pass the hands under cold water to evacuate this heat. I can also visually practice this technique from a distance. If I can be satisfied with the many positive feedbacks since the beginning of my care, I cannot guarantee anyone a total recovery since it is impossible. Everyone is free to believe it or not, in reality it can't be explained, it feels 25€ Read the terms of intervention Make an appointment See Purification / Care Testimonials See Google Reviews Modalities of intervention Make an appointment for a Burn healers treatment: The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Please tell me your real surname, first name and date of birth, possibly attaching a photo. I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. If you need help with symptoms, seek medical help. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a "gift voucher", the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or to good morals (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. See Prices modalites

  • Thème de naissance médiumnique | Naima Royer coaching médiumnique

    Je développe votre thème de naissance médiuminique à partir de votre date de naissance avec un éclairage approfondi de vos objectfis sur l'année encours en utilisant ma clairvoyance. Medium flash appointment Medium flash meeting decision-making: By phone | By email This service is for you: -- if you have a quick decision to make with long-term consequences, -- if you have an important choice to make impacting an area of your life, -- if you wish to have an unconventional angle of view to confirm or refute a feeling => Flash appointment 1 question 2 choices: 80€ Help for the choice of a PLACE OF LIVING or the purchase of a REAL ESTATE: Choice between 2 places or 2 properties Be in adequacy (you, spouse, child, animal) with the future place or purchase Blocking treatment for the sale of a current property (contact me) Réservez votre rendez-vous => Thème de naissance : Help for choosing a SCHOOL or COMPANY: Choice between 2 schools or companies Be in adequacy with the future school or company for your work 160€ Pour offrir un bon cadeau Thème de naissance, la personne doit donner son accord pour ce type de consultation afin de ne pas entraver son libre-arbitre. Merci de votre compréhension. Réservez votre rendez-vous Nouveauté ENERGETIC CLEANING for one person: This request is made on a case-by-case basis depending on the persons situation: energy cleansing or energy treatment for re-forming; (cleansing and upgrading of the chakras) energetic cleansing linked to external influences (work colleague, spouse, ..) energetic cleansing linked to presences (according to the number and density) 80€/mois Read the terms of intervention See Child/Pet Help Modalities of intervention Make an appointment for a flash appointment consultation: The appointment request is made via the contact form with your exact contact details. Please tell me your real; surname, first name and date of birth, possibly attaching a photo or any other necessary element (map, photo of places, etc.) as indicated on the the service concerned. I will contact you quickly to agree on a time slot. The proposed recommendations for action engage your responsibility. It is not a question of imposing a vision or an action plan on a person, but rather of providing them with keys and insight into the situation discussed in consultation. Concerning any question around the field of health, my consultation intervenes in addition and not in substitution of a consultation with a health professional. Whether you need help in case of symptoms, call a health professional. Offer a gift voucher: I do not respond to any request that engages another person, for example if you wish to offer one of my services as a gift voucher", the person will have to contact me directly of their own free choice. As soon as the appointment is made, I will inform you and you will receive a link for payment before the service. What I don't do: I reserve the right not to respond to a request for consultation that would be contrary to the law or morality (for example of a defamatory nature, aimed at harming others, to observe; ones neighbor or for any other reason without have to explain to me). Thank you for respecting my choices as I promise to respect yours. See Rates modalites Testimonials See Google Reviews

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